Monday, January 24, 2011

Yay! My Wedding Proofs Are In! I have 800 Pictures That I Love. Now What?!

The day has come and gone. The day you have planned for months and months is over. You are now left with all those amazing, breathtaking, wonderful memories. You talk about your wedding for days to come, still feeling magical. Then the day you have waited for, your proofs are in!! A reminder of every single moment of your wedding day, all captured in 600-1200 pictures. And this is when you realize, you thought planning the wedding was hard?! How can you possibly pick 60 pictures out of 800?! The task seems nearly impossible.

I was inspired to write this today after coffee with my girlfriends over the weekend and looking over proofs from one of my friends wedding. Almost 600 pictures that have to be cut down to 70. It seems so overwhelming...yet another wedding stressor! But it doesn’t have to be with a little help and some tips from us! With a little time and some planning and categorizing, your wedding album will tell the most beautiful story of your perfect day! So get some wine, sip it far away from your proofs, and enjoy telling the story about the day you married your best friend.

Here are some tips to help you along the way:

1) Get 4 different colored small sticky notes. 1 for "Yes", 1 for "Maybe", 1 for "No" and 1 for "Do Not Use" (eyes closed, not looking etc). Start by marking every single picture you like and every one that is a Do Not Use. After you mark them, count what you have so you know where you are starting at.

2) Break down the day by category in chronological order. For example:
The proposal (ring, invites etc)
Bride getting ready
Bride with her family, bridesmaids, MOH, flower girls
Groom with family, groomsmen, best man, ring bearer
Bride and Groom
Family and Bridal Party
Reception with traditional events: dances, cake cutting etc)

3) Keep going back through all of the yes’ and little by little move them to maybes and no’s always counting so you know how you are doing.

Also remember that your photographer will help with picking pictures and the layout and size of pictures, that is what they are there for and what they love doing. So when you have a pretty good idea of how you want the album to look, make an appointment with your photographer to make all the final touches. Be prepared, this appointment can be 2 hours long pending how big of an album you have.

We hope these tips inspire you to create the wedding album you now dream about…or have nightmares about lol...and enjoy it for the many many years to come!

‘True love stories never have endings’.  ~Richard Bach

Aelicia and Rachael

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