Monday, February 21, 2011

A Valentine's Day to Remember

So we know that a week has gone by sine Valentine's Day but this was a story that had to be told.

Typically we talk about weddings and everything related to it. And why not, it's such a beautiful display of love. But there is one more thing that can top that...a parents love for their children! A friend of ours did the most amazing thing for his 2 1/2 year old daughter and we just had to share it with all of you.

Valentine's Day is a day to shower your loved ones with flowers, gifts and chocolate. But what do you do for your little princess on this special day? Well this father came up with a wonderful gift that will be hard to top. Children are very easy to please. Some of the simplest things, like bubbles, can bring the biggest smile to their faces. Balloons are no exception. Our friend filled a room with white, pink and red balloons. His daughter's face was priceless. And as if it couldn't get better than that, he had bowls of pink and white heart shaped confetti for her to throw in the air! So precious and we just had to share some photos with you. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did. Now the next question is, what will he think of for next year?! xoxo

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